Sometimes, Perspective Is Everything

Sometimes, Perspective Is Everything

Happy New Year! I know! I know! We are pushing February. The year is not so new anymore. Looking back those three weeks or so, was anybody else as surprised as I was that so many people were sooooo ready to be done with 2019? Personally, I do not remember the year, as...
What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

The alarm goes off and you hit the snooze. That repeats every 10 minutes or so until you get sick of it and turn the alarm off all the way, only to roll over yet again. It is not that you did not get enough sleep. It is not even really because you are tired. It is...


Meet Jeffrey. Jeffrey is a 25-year-old white male. He just finished a master’s degree in the social service industry and landed a job a couple levels above entry level in is chosen career. Jeffrey is the youngest of three but is the first of the three to go to...
Small Things Often

Small Things Often

A common struggle for many couples is the art of communication. How can it be improved? Why are the same fights happening over and over again? How can a couple have a happy relationship with healthy communication? According to the experts John and Julie Gottman, the...
Nutrition & Mental Health

Nutrition & Mental Health

“You are what you eat,” true or false? While you aren’t going to turn into a French fry if that is all you eat, what you eat does affect you, and can have a substantial impact on mental health. With so many vowing to eat healthier, this time of year, this is the...